Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back to School 2020

Charley and Carter started school in the middle of August, and it was the first time they had been to school in over 5 months.  In preparation for their first day, we had a fun movie night, read The Night Before Kindergarten, laid out their clothes, filled their backpacks and lunch boxes and got them into bed at a decent hour.  We got up extra early to fix cinnamon rolls, get dressed, and have our annual photoshoot.  Things took a little longer since it was the first time they both had the same first day at the same school, but we all got to Rutland in good spirits.  Then I saw the face masks and shields, on top of the fact that we couldn't walk them in and neither one of the girls knew where to go, and it didn't take long for the tears to start flowing...giant, sad, boo hoo tears.  Don't get me wrong, it was time for them to get back to school, but it broke my heart to not be able to help them on their first day. 

Thankfully, despite being anxious, both girls were happy to be at school.  Charley hugged Officer Jeremy the minute she got out of the car and walked in with a big smile and a wave.  Since it was Carter's kindergarten phase-in day, we were allowed to park and walk her to the back door.  I cried all the way home!  

I would love to say the day got better from there, but in true 2020 fashion, it did not.  Charley's assigned teacher wasn't able to start the year because she had a surgery making her high risk for COVID-19.  Between having a sub and getting yelled at in the car rider line, Charley and I were both in tears when we got to Carter's building to pick her up.  She walked out in a terrible mood, and if that wasn't enough for the day, the SRO Officer (NOT Officer Jeremey) gave me a verbal warning for expired tags.  We went straight to Sonic to try and lift our spirits with a treat.  Once we got home, I had to handle a few things in my office.  From my desk I started smelling something awful.  I went to check on Bo, and apparently he had an upset stomach...a very upset stomach, and he had pooped all over himself and his cage.  It was a huge mess and the smell infiltrated our entire downstairs.  Due to the mess, we ended up eating our dinner at the craft table, and we would all agree that the conversation around that little table was the best part of our day and just what we all needed!

The girls are on a hybrid schedule, so they are home with me as their teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and they go to school on Wednesdays and Fridays.  I'm praying this doesn't last long, because teaching kindergarten and 4th grade is not my gift.  All in all (a little nod to Charley's current favorite writing phase that Craig and I are desperately trying to break her out of), I'm thankful the girls are back in school, and I am hopeful that things will get better...and until then, I'm living for Wednesday and Friday! 

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