Monday, May 31, 2021

Carter 6 Years 6 Months


Cheerville Spring 2021

This Cheerville season was like none other.  On one hand, it was nice to be back at something and attend actual competitions...but on the other hand, all of the changes, extra practices, and out of town competitions took a toll on the girls.  They have both decided to take a little break next season (which starts in May, three weeks after their last competition).  I love watching them perform, and they are both so good at it, but I'm actually looking forward to a little freedom in our schedule as well.  We finished out the season with another trip to Huntsville for both girls, two trips to Louisville for Charley's team, and a couple of local competitions.  Both of their teams got better each time they performed, but since almost all awards were virtual, I don't even remember what they placed...I know Charley's team, the Black Widows, won 1st place every time and 2nd one time.  One of our favorite parts of the season was having extra special fans at the Louisville competitions.  Taryn, Melanie and Jordan came to cheer Charley on, and it was so much fun catching up with them!