Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Mary Poppins

For most of the fall, we traded sanity and sleep for hours on end in the car going to and from Lebanon for Mary Poppins rehearsals.

* Lots of AR points were a result of books read in the car
* 13 Chick-fil-A dinners (Thanks Craig for keeping the app fully stocked with money!)
* 115 hours of rehearsals during September, October and November
* Lots of car naps
* Dance parties to Christmas jams

I joked that my Uber shift started at 2:55 on Mondays, but I couldn't imagine trading that time in the car with Charley and Reagan to do anything else.  All of that being said, Charley's role in Mary Poppins was a giant commitment, and I'm so proud of how she managed everything.  She never complained about missing out or having to go straight from one activity to another, and the lessons she has learned as such a young age are invaluable.

The cast performed nine times in front of a paying audience.  NINE!  We opted to skip the dinner theatre performances, but Craig and/or I were there for all the others.  I got the prize for seeing the most shows, which ended up being six.  Charley danced and sang in three numbers in the first half and three more after intermission, and she was "practically perfect" in every way!  


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