Thursday, May 26, 2016

Charley's 5th Birthday in New York City

I love a good party and all that entails, but celebrating Charley's 5th birthday with a trip to New York City takes the cake for an amazing celebration!  Right after last year's Pump It Up experience, I put the trip option on the table.  I told Charley about the "most magical place that I love to visit called New York City."  I showed her pictures of Dylan's Candy Bar and Toy 'R' Us in Times Square and the American Girl Doll Store and before I could get anything else out she said, "I want the trip...I want the trip...and Sister can stay home!!!"  I was a tad nervous to break the news of a trip to NYC to Amma, because her Daddy and I were going to take her, but Charley took care of that for me.  Sometime over the summer I got a call from Amma while I was on a work trip, because NYC had been mentioned on the news while Charley was staying in KY.  Charley said, "New York City...I'm going there when I turn 5 with my Mommy and Daddy...and Sister is staying with you, Amma!"  haha

For almost a whole year we talked about her birthday trip.  She requested 4 days and 3 nights, and we stayed right in Times Square.  Thanks to work travel, our hotel and flight for all of us cost

Day 1

Billy took us to the airport.  Charley sat by the window of the airplane and worked her travel sticker book that I had surprised her with for the trip, along with her new Frozen coloring book from Sam.  She got to use a regular seat belt when we took an Uber ride to our hotel!  She made immediate friends with the hotel staff, and got a goodie bag from them more than once. We strolled around Times Square, checked out the awesome Disney Store, had a yummy lunch/dinner at Smashburger, saw Zootopia at the movie theatre, and had Cold Stone ice cream for dinner in our hotel!!!

Day 2

We started off Charley's 5th Birthday with NYC bagels, and then our first stop was the American Girl Doll store.  Prior to the trip I made the statement that we were going to make money on this birthday compared to any party we've had in the past...I retract that statement now that we have been to American Girl...WOW...but definitely worth every single penny!  I had scheduled a private shopping appointment so we could have help navigating the three floors of dolls and accessories.  Charley picked out a doll that "looked just like her" and we filled a bag of our "favorites" to take to the personal shopping room to narrow down her selection.  Not sure why we needed that step, because we ended up with practically everything in her bag, but it was so fun to see her going through the showroom looking at every little thing.  Craig was having heart palpitations from the very minute we walked in the door, but thanks to birthday money and gift cards from family, the damage wasn't too bad.

We had a reservation for a birthday lunch for Momma, Daddy, Charley and Lucy to continue the celebration at the American Girl Doll Cafe.  The table was complete with a place setting for Lucy and high chair.  (The food was terrible and way over priced, but the experience was great!)  The birthday cake was so yummy, and Charley loved eating ice cream out of a little cone looking dish!  

We spent the afternoon walking down 5th Avenue and visiting with Daddy's friend Peanut before going back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and a show!  Aunt Kari and Uncle Mike surprised Charley with a giant bouquet of princess balloons that filled our already "short room" (Charley's words.)  We ate at one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite places called John's Pizza and went to see Aladdin on Broadway.   Charley's favorite story to tell about walking through NYC was how when we left Aladdin there was a crazy guy with a giant snake wrapped around his body and when Daddy saw it he "freaked out!"  

Day 3

We took the Subway downtown to see the "Stone of Liberty" for Granddad.  That was a must on Charley's to-do list.  We shopped, ate at Smashburger (again), spent several hours in Macy's, walked all of lower Manhattan looking for more sticker books like the ones from the plane ride, and ate Cold Stone ice cream in bed, again!  

Day 4

We packed up our hotel and gave Charley the choice between going to the top of the Empire State Building or going to Dylan's Candy Bar.  She picked Dylan's Candy Bar...why am I not surprised!  Totally my pick, too!

I have been to NYC so many different times, but this trip was definitely my favorite!  The weather was crazy and totally inconsistent and navigating the city with a stroller was quite challenging, but spending time with my sweet girl and her Daddy was the best gift!  We had so much fun together, and Charley said she would be back when she turns 7!  I'm sure NYC will miss her until then!  She turned every single curb, ledge or bench into a balance beam, she graced every ground surface with a cartwheel, and I'm convinced NYC has never seen so much Matilda Jane!

Happy 5th Birthday to Momma's Sweetheart!  Celebrating you on this birthday trip was pure joy!

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