Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cam's 1st Day of Preschool - Miss Hannah's Class

Cam's first day of preschool started off a little rocky.  She woke up late and was covered in a red rash (she has the curse of my super sensitive skin.)  Even though she was so excited about school, she refused to get going.  Her poses during our photo shoot were extra "special" to the point I considered retaking them after school, but I changed my mind.  This is Cam!  At pick up they told me some of the other kids were calling her "Miss Camryn," so I guess she tried to teach the class with Miss Hannah.  She was happy to report that she didn't get put in time out and only cried when they told her to pack up her stuff.   I can't wait to see what Camryn and Miss Hannah learn this year!


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