Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fall Break

Craig and I started to plan an anniversary trip during the summer of 2017...six months before our actual 10 year anniversary.  Several excuses and two years later, we finally decided to book our 10 year plus 22 month anniversary trip to Hawaii.  We planned it for fall break, and the girls were able to spend lots of quality time in Kentucky doing all of their favorite things....they visited with family, played putt-putt golf, ate yummy desserts, played Barbies, bowled, and spent an afternoon at the pumpkin patch and painted pumpkins with Adley.  Amma really out did herself, and the girls loved every single minute of their time in Kentucky.  Craig and I couldn't be more thankful to Amma and Grandad Mike, because we were able to enjoy our time together and we never worried about the girls for a second.  

Girls...your Daddy and I absolutely loved our time in Hawaii.  We enjoyed it more than our honeymoon, and we so appreciated being able to give our undivided attention to each other and have actual adult conversations.  It shouldn't be a surprise that most of those conversations were about you and how much we are looking forward to taking you on that trip one day.  We love experiencing new places with you, but this trip proved that we also need alone time every once in a while.  We had such a great time together, and even though our world revolves around you girls, we know it's so important for our family that we make our marriage a priority.  One day you will have families of your own, and I will insist that you take special trips with your husbands while Daddy and I keep your kiddos.  But for now just know that you have parents that love each other and you so very much!   To quote our  friends in Hawaii....aloha! 

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