Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Annie - Night 3

Charley had to be backstage for make-up, hair and rehearsals each night by 4:00, which meant dinner in the car for her at 3:30, which also meant that I was stuck in Lebanon for the entire night.  The doors opened at 5:30 for the 6:30 show, but we had tons of out of town guests on Friday night, so I was in line by 5:00.  Being early paid off, because I was able to snag an entire section on the front side.  The Friday fan club was extra special and included Daddy, Momma, Carter, Amma, Grandad Mike, Grandaddy Charlie, Granny Martha, Granny Katherine, Aunt Marsha, Aunt Katie, Aunt Sherrie, Mr. Josh, Miss Rachel, Sam, Kinsley, Miss Christy, Carson, Presley, Miss Shelly, Miss Shelly's mom, Olivia, Charlotte, Miss Ashley, Mr. Kurt, Rebecca, Miss Stephanie, Miss Shanna, Emmy and Miss Kelly.  Everyone LOVED the show and were all so proud of Charley.  Grandad Mike wanted an autograph picture for his wall...he said she is going places, and I couldn't agree more.

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