Saturday, December 29, 2012

21 Months

Weight: 25 pounds, 6 ounces
Teeth: a lot…looks like very few open spaces and 2 of those are coming in
Words: too many to count...there isn’t anything she can’t or doesn’t try to say (except “I love you” and “thank you”….we did finally master “pease,” which makes me very happy!)
Clothing Size: 24 months
Favorite Foods: black beans, blueberries, cookies, sweetarts, pizza
Drinks: whole milk, watered down juice, water
Sleeping: Her bedtime has gotten pushed back a little, but she’s usually in bed by 8:00 and gets up between 6:30 and 7:00…one nap, if we’re lucky!
Favorite TV shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, “Hook” (Jake and the Neverland Pirates) or “Prempess” (Sophia the First)…she loves to watch Disney on our phones and asks for it all the time!
Tricks: Really good at identifying colors and is starting to count…every day she amazes me with something new. 
Favorite Person: depends on the day…”Ne” (Granny), “Ama” (Gramma) and “Mike” (Granddad)
Favorite Restaurants: Chuy’s
Buddies: Baby Finely, Baby Harper, Keyton, Sam, Parker, Lily, Hadlee, Hunter, Chelsey, Brooke, Logan, Emmy, Kobey and Laney
Favorite Animal: she still loves dogs, but is getting so good at naming all of the animals and their sounds
Favorite Toys: Her horse purse with all the Disney character’s that Granddad Mike got her…we can’t leave home without it and she’s constantly taking them out of the purse and putting them back in…I may need to get an extra set! 

Funny Story: A few weeks ago Charley and I were in Kentucky, and we were sitting around the dinner table at Granny Martha’s house and our conversation went something like this:

Me, “Charley, tell us how a dog goes.”
Charley, “afoo, afoo”
Me, “How does a cow go?”
Charley, “moooooo”
Me, “How does a lion go?”
Charley whispers, “rarrrrrr”
Me, “How does a cat go?”
Charley, “Meow.”
Charley, “Dadda????”
Me, “Ok, how does Dadda go?”
Charley, “Pooped!  Shew!”


iPhone pics from 18-21 months

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