Monday, October 21, 2019

Guest Blog by Emily...Beach Trip with Cousins

This year for vacation we told Laney she could take a friend so she would have someone to make memories with. Little did we know that we would work it out for her birthday twin and cousin Charley Ann would be able to go when she asked! I have always wanted them to be close so this was an ideal situation for her vacation friend.  It is usually more work and headache when you offer to take along another kid but Charley broke that pattern. She was amazing and never a moments trouble. We laughed until we cried at her sassiness, humor and flat out adult-like mannerisms. I heard many times, “you act just like your ‘Momma’ from Carissa and Kyle. Kobey adores Charley and loved having her along too. Except one time when they wanted to argue over who was sitting in the back of the vehicle. They have always been pretty tight and he loves her just like a little sister. To the point where he is jealous when she doesn’t want to give him attention over Laney.

Chocolate, Cheerio, cheeseburger Charley eating her powdered donuts before heading out to the beach!!! She’s a hoot!

The girls played a serious game of the license plate game and couldn’t believe they saw New Mexico while shopping.

Face masks, headbands, best friend necklaces AND big smiles. Together at the beach = SO MUCH FUN!!
This is maybe one moment where they sat still. Relaxing in their hot tub catching some rays!

They loved playing dolls, dressing up and getting ready each night, swimming in the ocean, getting a tan, catching jellyfish, building castles, flipping in the sand and giggling until they fell asleep at night. I’m so glad Charley was able to go with us to Orange Beach! She was an ideal traveling buddy to say the least. We miss her and can’t wait to make more memories with her again one day!

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