Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beauty and the Beast

Going to see a Broadway show at TPAC is one of the things that Amma and I love most about Nashville.  It has kind of turned into our little thing over the past few years.  We have seen so many great shows together, so you can imagine my excitement when I got the 2013-2014 schedule and saw Beauty and the Beast was coming to town!  Craig and I saw it a few summers ago in Chicago, and we knew that it would be the perfect first show for Charley.  I figured she would have a million questions if we didn’t introduce her to the actual storyline beforehand, so one Friday night we had our first at home movie night.  We all wore jammies, pulled out the upstairs couch bed and snuggled up with blankets and pillows.  I am not sure who loved it more, Charley or Craig, because she kept smiling and asking those million questions and he kept smiling saying, “this is so cool!”  Before that weekend was over she watched Beauty and the Beast five times.  She very quickly learned the story, anticipated what was coming next and picked up on the words to some of the songs.   When the big day rolled around, she was beyond ready…princess dress, Belle hair and “sparkle” lipstick to be exact!  We went to eat at  J. Alexander’s for Amma’s birthday and every one went on and on about how cute the princess looked in her special dress…luckily she wasn’t shy and did the occasional spin.  We got to TPAC in time to take a few pictures, grab some snacks, potty and find our seats, orchestra level of course.  (Craig says I started her out with high expectations, but that’s how I roll when it comes to musicals!) 

Charley was A…MAZ…ING during the show.  She spent a little time in mine and her Daddy’s lap and lots of time with her Amma.  To say she loved it would be an understatement!  I think my very favorite part of the whole night was when Mrs. Pott’s sang the Beauty and the Beast song for Belle and the Beast’s special date.  Charley adores that part and softly sang along with the words she knows.  It was P…REC…IOUS!!!!!  Luckily we had very understanding people around us, because they seemed to love her special additions, too. 

“Tale as old as time…love as old as rhyme…Beauty and the Beast!”

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