Saturday, January 5, 2013

“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”

Gramma and I have been singing different Christmas songs to Charley the few weeks before Christmas.  She loved them and even chimed in on the “hey” part of  “Jingle Bells”...which was extra cute!  Even though we didn’t wake up with presents from Santa on Christmas morning, Santa delivered them and they were waiting on us when we got home Christmas afternoon.  I already purchased Charley’s Christmas jammies, so we decided to put them on here while she checked out all of her presents that Santa brought.  Apparently Charley Robinson was extra good this year, because Santa went all out…I guess he wanted to fill up that new playroom!  Charley got a Pottery Barn kitchen, play table and chairs, Cabbage Patch baby doll, blocks, farm animal train, pantry food, stuffed Simba, Minnie Mouse books, stacking owl and a red truck.  (The whole week before Christmas when you asked her what Ho-Ho was bringing her, she said, “a truck” and when you asked what color she said, “red”….all of this didn’t make much sense at first, but she had spent a few days in KY and every day her and Granddad Mike would drive his red, work truck to Granny Katherine’s for breakfast, hence the red truck!)  Oh and the best part of this year was that any time you asked her where Ho-Ho was going to put her gifts she said, “in the boot!” (aka the stocking!)  Her “boot” was also full of goodies including a tea set, Minnie Mouse jewelry, Owl apron, Reece’s pieces, Minnie Mouse car and “Num-Nums” (M&M’s). 

To continue our tradition that Craig wanted us to start last year, Dadda and I added to Charley’s jewelry box.  It just so happens that Gramma and I were in NYC in October, and we couldn’t help ourselves when we walked past Tiffany’s on 5th Avenue.  So, Charley got the “little blue box” before her Momma!  She now has the cutest, little necklace with a precious little bow charm.  Needless to say, she wore it for a while, and then we snuck it off of her, tucked it back in the little blue pouch and put it in her jewelry box for safe keeping for a few years.  

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

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