Thursday, December 22, 2011

9 Month Photo Shoot

What a month of change!!!  After all of my efforts for Charley's first word to be "Momma," she did exactly the opposite and said, "Da-da!"  To top it off, she says it ALL the time, "Da-da, Da-di, Da-da!!!!!"  Don't get me wrong, it is SUPER cute, but I am so ready to hear her say "Momma!"  I guess my time will come soon enough!  She also starting pulling up this month, which means she is one milestone away from being unstoppable.  She is already in to everything...well, everything that she isn't supposed to be in!  Plug-ins, Christmas trees, the dishwasher, remotes, cell-phones...just about anything that is not baby-friendly, she wants it!  We took her to the 9 month check-up, and the doctor saw first hand her rotten-ness!  She was a mess...a cute mess...but a mess!  We were changing her diaper and she stood up on the table.  I guess it was such hard work that she needed to stop and take a drink of her sippy cup....while she was standing and drinking (showing the doctor how good she was with the cup) she starting peeing everywhere!!!  It was like a fountain...I know this would be typical if she were a boy, but not something you see everyday from little girls!  Another favorite this month was when she crawled over to a vase she has really been eyeing for a while.  When I wasn't looking, she finally did what she had been wanting to do for days...she pulled up to and and stood there so proud.  Mom and I were in the kitchen and we looked at her and firmly said, "Charley...that is a no-no!"  She looked right back at us, stuck out her tongue and spit!!!!  What do you do when you are in our shoes????  You turn around and laugh...what else could we do!

9 month stats: 19 pounds, 5 ounces and 26 1/4 inches long

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