Friday, May 18, 2012

First Family Vacation

Around Christmas time, the Hendrickson's asked us to go to Florida with them in April.  At first I didn't really think it was a great idea.  First of all, Charley barely makes it in the car to Benton...much less St. Petersburg, Florida!  And I will be honest, the thought of having to wear a swimsuit didn't exactly thrill me!  But, I asked if they would pick us up at the airport instead of driving, and they didn't mind at all!  So, we booked our flights, packed half the house, got matching outfits for the girls and off to Florida we went!  Craig and I were pretty nervous about Charley's first flight.  We were really hoping she would take a nap....we honestly should have known better...this was our child we were traveling with...and she never really does what we hope she will do!  But, she did great.  She jabbered most of the way and fed us Goldfish, which I have never been more thankful for real snacks.  Not sure if we could have eaten 50 yogurt melts or puffs!

We had lots of fun on vacation!  It was so nice that Josh, Michelle and Keyton were on the same schedule as us as far as naps, early meals, and before dark bedtimes.  It made it much easier to justify being "in" for the night by 7:00 or 8:00!  Lucky for us, we had a great time playing new board games that we found at Target after the girls went to bed!  We spent most days by the pool, but only lasted a maximum of 30 minutes on the beach...which was long enough to snap a few pictures! 

 In the middle of the week we went to Disney.  Let me just say this...Disney is not made for children!  I guess it technically is, but WOW, that place is wild!  Whenever we decide to go back, I am definitely taking a 4:1 adult to child ratio...I told Gramma and Granddad to go ahead and pack their bags!  However, despite the long car ride, the 4 million strollers, the heat, the "Florida-water-tasting" diet coke, and the expense...the whole trip was worth it and so much more seeing Charley with Mickey and Minnie Mouse!  She went nuts over them, and they loved her too!  She gave them kisses, and they just ate her up!  We even got some new stuff to add to her Mickey collection!  She is so cute with all of her Disney toys!  

Florida vacation was so much fun!!!  It was definitely a different vacation experience since this was our first trip with a baby!  Laying out may not be the same for a while, but Craig managed to get a run in one day, and I got to read the second Hunger Games all in all, we did a few of our traditions...I guess sleeping in on vacation will have to wait for the teenage years!  Our flight home went almost as planned, after I sang “Jesus Loves Me” to the entire plane and Miss Priss fell asleep!  The only issue was that the pressure made Charley’s milk spew everywhere, including spraying the guy in the seat next to us.  We all got so tickled, because Charley was sleeping and milk was literally everywhere!  Luckily the guy had kids and understood...but having our very own trash bag from the flight attendant was a first for us!

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