Monday, September 30, 2019

"Doing Corn" in Kentucky

We are not always in town when Grandaddy Charlie decides the corn is ready, but we were this year, and Carter loved every minute of the process!  I remember going down to my great-grandparent's farm and "doing corn" on their back patio when I was the a little girl.  Not much has changed, or at least in my mind, since back then.  The men get up early and pick the corn.  The women provide the breakfast.  (Amma and I picked up donuts...definitely not the same as back then, but we did our best.) Grandad always says it won't be much because of heat or rain or animals have gotten in it.  It's always a TON...way more than he or we anticipate.  Then we meet on the back porch to "do corn."  To an outsider that phrase might sound crazy, but it basically means we shuck, silk, and soak the ears of corn.  Then, and only if you are an approved cutter per Granny Martha, we cut/cream it off the cob.  By now, we are approaching 9 a.m.  From there, we go in the house and cook it on the stove, let it cool, put it in bags and freeze it for the winter. 

It's a lot of hard work, but so worth it! I know the girls will cherish their corn memories on the back patio, just like I do.  

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