Sunday, August 16, 2015

Last First Day of Preschool for Miss Priss

As excited as I am to watch Charley grow and learn her way through the world, it's a little heart breaking to see her grow so quickly.  As she enters her last year of preschool, I can't help but think about her starting kindergarten next year.  I always thought "those" Moms were so silly to cry...yet again, I will be eating my words, I'm sure of it.  When Charley's teacher, Ms. Melissa called, I was so excited to hear that she is in the same class as her sweet, friend Olivia, and her and Sawyer are together for the third year in a row.  For the first day of school, she selected her outfit right off my Matilda Jane rack, accessorized with jewelry, paired with boots and ruffle socks and MULTIPLE COATS OF RED LIPSTICK!!!!  Every time I wiped a little off, she applied more "coats!"  I finally went with it for the sake of taking a little girl to drop off and instead of a tiny clown!

Drop off went pretty well...the only mini meltdown was over not sitting right beside Olivia.  Once we got over that, showed her where her cubby was and took pictures with Sawyer, I left and she had a big smile on her face.  In my typical down-to-the-wire-last-possible-minute way, I pulled into the parking lot on two wheels at 1:20...only FIVE minutes after the pick up line started....and was the last parent to pick up my kid.  ALL of the teachers were waiting outside, so Ms. Melissa walked Charley to the car.  She told me that she had a great first day, but Charley had told Ms. Tammy that Ms. Melissa was mean.  I laughed because I know how dramatic my little diva can be and said, "oh gosh, I am so sorry...she is such a kidder and I know she was joking."  Charley immediately and seriously responds, "I was NOT joking, she is mean!!!"  I laughed a little more, but Charley stood her ground on how she felt about her first day with her teacher.  I really hope and pray she was kidding, because Ms. Melissa was such a sweetheart!  Guess we shall see how next week goes!  

Carter's 9 Month Photo Session

Baby Carter is on the move!!!  Just a few days before 9 months, Carter finally started crawling.  Once she started, she didn’t stop.  Those first days were a little “bumpy” and I thought I needed to invest in a helmet, but it didn’t take long for her to get the hang of things.  She is currently obsessed with the door stops and anything….ANYTHING…she can get her hands on.  She’s going to be the child that we can’t take our eyes off for a second!  (Which is quite the challenge with all of Big Sister’s toys that come with 9 million teeny, tiny pieces.)  We went to her 9-month check up early, and she weighed 17 pounds 11 ounces and was 27 inches long…she is finally in the 50th percentile.  Dr. Mukundan thought she was perfect and gave us the go ahead to start feeding her real food.  Sister loves to eat everything…everything solid…and is pretty much over baby food.  In the last couple of days, Carter started to pull up, which means the crib needs to be lowered, which means this Momma and Daddy will probably cry when that occurs…quickest 9 months ever!

Swim Lessons

What do you say after 7 sessions of swim lessons to-date???  We went, she listened, she swam, she floated, she left with a sucker.  She did make significant improvements this year, and swam the entire length of the pool more than once.  Brendan Sweetman Swimmer’s has been so great for us, and the teachers are amazing, especially Mr. Charles!

Sparkle Camp

Craig was out of town for work, so Charley’s three days of Sparkle Camp couldn’t have come at a better time.  Two hours for three straight days gave me some quality time with Baby Sister, while Big Sister had so much fun with her friends dancing, snacking, crafting and dancing some more.   Miss Taylor was so impressed that Charley spelled “Mommy” all by herself on the craft she made for me.  I told her the week before she was trying to get my attention, “Mommy…Momma…Mom…M…O…M…M…Y!!!!!”  Of course, I stopped what I was doing for her request when she spelled out Mommy!  We our so proud of our smart and talented girl!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

4th of July

It wouldn’t be the 4th of July without Granddaddy Charlie’s Annual Fish Fry.  As always, it was a big hit with a big crowd.  Our Cousin’s Picture was a little more challenging this year, but oh so cute.  Kobey was precious with Baby Carter.  The day wasn’t all fun and games, because the corn was ready to be picked so the guys went and picked it…which was a first for Craig.  We stopped at Belew’s with Amma and Granddad for dinner, and make it to Mount Juliet just in time to use our screened-in back porch for the first time.  Our neighbors put on the best firework show in all three directions!  Carter loved it…Charley didn’t!  We ended the night in Amma’s room upstairs watching the Providence fireworks from the bedroom window! 

How cool is Granddad Mike "holding" Uncle Mike's cigarette while he took pictures with the girls???  NOT cool!!!!  According to Charley, he looks like Cruella Deville! 

Carter's 8 Month Photo Session

Carter’s first tooth popped through on Father’s Day, and her second tooth quickly followed.  She also mastered the cutest wave.  She loves to laugh and wave all the time.  She went for her first swim and absolutely LOVED the water!  She could have stayed and splashed in the pool all day.  As if she couldn’t get any cuter, she makes the best sounds with her sweet little mouth.  Carter is such a happy baby and spits and smacks and jabbers non-stop.

Father's Day

We celebrated our favorite Dad’s this year in Kentucky.  The girls have the best Dad, Granddad, Grandaddy Charlie, Papa and Pops.