Saturday, September 28, 2019

Day 7 - Disneyland

We finished our week long road trip at Disneyland and California Adventure theme parks.  I've never been one to consider Disney the "most magical place" and tend to prefer unique vacation destinations (hence all of our trips to National Parks), but I'm most definitely a fan of doing Disney in California.  We started our morning as close to 8:00 as we could with a group of ten, and some of us didn't get back to the hotel until almost midnight.  I had heard mixed reviews going into our trip, but I cannot say enough good things about it.  Both parks were so much fun, and the weather was absolute perfection. 

We had matching shirts made for the girls, and Chesley planned on taking a group picture when we first got there before splitting up because Carter was younger and might hold the bigger kids back.  Well...that wasn't the case, because Carter didn't ask to ride the "kiddie" rides, and she rode every single thing she could, height permitting.  Chesley and Amma were thinking about skipping the Guardians of the Galaxy ride (California version of the Tower of Terror) until they saw Carter was going to ride it without hesitation.  haha. The Incredicoaster and the Cars rides were my favorites, but Craig said Indian Jones and Space Mountain were pretty amazing.  (Carter was too short for Indiana Jones, and too sleepy for Space Mountain.)

Amma and Grandad left around 7:00 for a "real" meal and rest.  In hindsight, I should have left with them, because Carter fell asleep right after they left, even though she insisted on staying, but neither of us did anything else after that.  But then again, I would have missed the downward spiral, so maybe it was worth staying.   I was sitting with Carter while Craig and Charley rode the Indiana Jones ride with the Summars, and as soon as they came out, Chesley said it was time for her Dole Whip.  Craig and I were talking about the ride and how cute Carter was sleeping in the stroller when we looked up to see the biggest commotion right in the middle of a big, giant Disney crowd.  Charley was crying, Chesley was holding her and screaming at Grant and saying sorry over and over.  Craig and I were so confused!  Apparently, Grant was complaining of chaffing issues, and Claire made fun of him.  He reacted with his killer pinch to the upper arm, but it just so happened that the arm was Charley's instead of Claire's.  Chesley was so mad at Grant she wouldn't buy him have a Dole Whip, and he had talked about it all day.  The whole thing was pretty funny to us, but Grant was feeling so bad he started crying....legit, remorseful, guilty tears...not tears because he had to buy his own Dole Whip! 

Things continued to spiral from there.  Claire dropped her Dole Whip when she almost walked into the men's bathroom, and Chesley peed in her pants.  She was tickled with Claire, and she was trying to tell Craig a funny story about Carter...the combination was enough to send her over the edge.  Earlier in the day Carter was with me in the bathroom stall, but she wanted to leave.  I told her someone might take her and I would be so sad, but she responded with, "that's've got my picture!"  By the time we got to Space Mountain, I realized that Carter was not going to wake up, so we went back to the hotel.  Charley and Craig had the best time together riding Space Mountain and eating ice cream, and they were full of laughs when they got back to the room with another chaffing story about Grant!  

We seriously had the best time on our California road trip, and the experience was even better because of the people we were with.  

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