Thursday, September 29, 2022

Charley's Surgery

For years we have tirelessly tried to manage Charley's breathing and nose issues.  We've been diligent with Flonase, allergy medicine, hydration, and have even resorted to keeping her inside when things got out of hand.  She never had the pediatric recommendation of 7 cases of strep in 1 year to warrant a trip to the ENT, so we just did our best to deal with it.  At one of Cam's follow up visits this summer, I asked if Charley needed a referral and they said no!  I immediately scheduled an appointment.  When the nurse came in, she prepared us for additional testing (like a tube up her nose).  The doctor took one look and said she would not be doing additional testing.  After talking to us and looking in her nose and throat, her recommendation would be the same.  She needed her tonsils and adenoids removed and an inferior turbinate reduction.  The doctor didn't seem too thrilled when I asked if she worked the day after Christmas, so we talked with Charley's cheer coach and decided to schedule her surgery for the Tuesday after the last home football game.

Charley was all smiles and giggles (thanks to some happy medicine) going into surgery, but poor thing was pitiful coming out.  It took us a while to get her calm and comfortable.  One of the nurses told me they suggest one day of recovery per years old, which totally stressed me thinking about an eleven to twelve day recovery, but Charley rocked it.  She did surprisingly well her first two days at home, but days three through five were rough.  She was in a lot of pain and very emotional.  Thankfully Amma was here to help her through the really rough days!  The revolving door of visitors and deliveries helped a ton, too!  The Plummer's sent pizza on the first night and brought a shake later in the week, Chesley brought Sonic drinks, her new friend Riley showed up with a stuffed animal and a balloon, April came all the way from Watertown with a bag full of groceries and a DC for me, Brett and Ava dropped off the sweetest basket of goodies from their crew, Julie and the girls stopped by with smoothies and a bag filled with Charley's favorite things from our life group, Desiree left a package of goodies in the garage from her and Harper, Mrs. Annie and Mr. George sent an Amazon card for her to shop for whatever she wants and the Youngman's brought Crumbl cookies.  

We have even blown away by all of the love and thoughtfullness shown to Charley.  I've tried my best to respond to all of the sweet messages, and Craig is wondering when it's his turn for surgery to get so many goodies!  haha. 

Charley went back to school on day 9, and had a great day.  Her teachers were impressed that she was able to manage all of her school work, and I'm thankful to report that this should be over and behind us just in time for our fall break trip!

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