Wednesday, June 2, 2021

6 States Trip: Hershey Park

There isn't a single treat that Carter loves more than a Hershey's bar.  The only time I want one is when it's melted between a toasted marshmallow and two graham crackers, but Carter loves them plain and they are hands down her favorite candy!  There isn't much she won't do for a chocolate bar, and Hershey, Pennsylvania seemed like the perfect stop on our trip.  We actually planned to visit Chocolate World in Hershey on our 2020 New England trip, but I'm so glad it worked out the way it did.  Chocolate World is right at the entrance of the amusement park.  If our girls had seen the park and not been allowed to go in, they would have been so disappointed.  I probably would have been sad too, because it was AWESOME!  The days and hours were limited for COVID, but we got there right when they opened at 11:00 and stayed until they closed at 7:00.  We thought it was very crowded for a Friday, so Craig immediately broke down and bought fast passes.  He said we only had 8 hours, and he was bound and determined for us to have the best time ever...and that is exactly what we did.  We rode almost everything that was open and most things we managed to do a few times.  If Carter wasn't tall enough, that sweet girl waited by the EXIT sign  while the three of us rode together.  All of the workers thought she was so sweet waving at us from her little spot.  Charley is a miniature version of Craig and I, and she loved every single ride in the park.  She got a little nervous waiting for Fahrenheit (a coaster that literally went straight up and straight back down), and Carter cracked us all up when she looked at her sister and said, "face your fears, Charley!" 

The amusement park by itself was enough to make us want to plan a trip to bring Cam as soon as she is bigger, but our ride through Chocolate World and our research on Milton Hershey sealed the deal.  The girls loved seeing how the chocolate was made, and we all thought it was so cool that the milk used in Hershey's chocolate is from the local dairy farms that we had passed on our way into town.  The town was so stinkin' cute, and the street lights on Chocolate Avenue looked like Hershey's kisses.  One of my favorite things about road trips with Craig is that we spend so much time talking and learning new things.  I cannot count how many times we were in a conversation and I googled the topic for more details.  I read aloud lots of info on Milton Hershey, and he is our new hero.  I won't give his full bio, but he was a fascinating man.  

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